New Initiatives Highlighted at the 2015 CDISC Interchange

Lots of new initiatives showed promise at the CDISC 2015 Interchange conference in Chicago on November 9-13.  The EHR2CDASH (E2C) project demonstrated the potential of healthcare link technologies used with the CDISC standards. The E2C XPath statements used to grab HL7 C-CDA/CCD document content will be stored in SHARE to support the implementation of CDASH forms that can be pre-populated with EHR content. A group of CFAST TA standards development stakeholders reviewed the new processes and tools that will be used for developing the Prostate Cancer standard. BiomedicalConcepts continue to garner attention as a key element of the semantic layer in the CDISC standards model. The growing CDISC standards model so important to the SHARE work was on display during the poster session. Use of the ODM standard was highlighted, including an extension to support its use in modern hand-held devices. There was quite a bit of enthusiasm and interest in SHARE activities, as evidenced by the crowd at the SHARE booth (read Anthony Chow's blog for more detail).

Most notably however, it seemed that 2016 was being talked about as a transformative year for CDISC. So many of the new initiatives previewed at the 2015 Interchange will begin to show their impact in 2016. Many of the new SHARE tools will begin to be used more broadly next year, especially in support of TA standards development. We plan to generate our first TA specification document from SHARE next year that includes new content such as Rules and Examples. The beginnings of a protocol standard will be available in SHARE next year. The SHARE API being piloted in 2015 will roll into production in 2016. In addition to these new developments, significant new foundational standards versions are scheduled for next year, including CDASH v2.0 and ODM v2.0. The list of new CDISC projects and deliverables slated for next year is long. It’s a bit daunting to look at the entire list, so we'll stick with our agile approach and take it one sprint at a time. The results should make for an interesting 2016 Interchange.

* A CDISC wiki account is needed to access content on the SHARE wiki space


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