Loading Terminology in SHARE: What's the DIFFerence?
We load the CDISC Controlled Terminology (CT) published by the NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS) into the SHARE metadata repository (MDR). When we're through catching up with our backlog we'll have more CT in SHARE than any other type of metadata, and we'll publish the quarterly CT content to the SHARE Exports page on the CDISC web site. One of the main differences in how we load the CT is that we load only the incremental changes. That is, we load the differences by generating diff files that contain only the changes between the packages published in the current quarter and those published in the previous quarter. The diff files are available for download, or they can be generated using the NCI's Diff program . This program is a Java application, and it is simple to set up on most machines. The Diff application is easy to use and can generate diff files for any two versions of a delimited text CT package. The two packages used to generate the diff file do not ...