
Showing posts from June, 2014

What’s the difference between iSHARE and eSHARE?

CDISC SHARE is a metadata repository (MDR) that supports the development, governance, publishing, and consumption of the CDISC standards in human and machine-readable formats. For more information about SHARE see the   CDISC Website . eSHARE and iSHARE are parts of the overall SHARE system. They represent two separate ways to access SHARE content, as shown in the diagram below. Interactive SHARE, or iSHARE , is the tool used by the CDISC standards development community for developing, governing, and publishing the standards. iSHARE is a cloud-based MDR configured for the CDISC standards that includes a number of standards management and development tools. Prior to accessing the tool, CDISC standards team members receive both on-line and interactive iSHARE training. Each standards development project works with the SHARE Metadata Curators to create and publish new CDISC standards. As new standards, and new versions of existing standards, are created iSHARE pr...